What is a sea snake?

What is a sea snake? Electric eels are a type of marine fish, known as Electrophorus Electricus, and their popular name is electric eels.

What is a sea snake?

  • It is considered a fish family, although its shape is close to snakes.
  • And these snakes can generate large electrical energy up to nearly 600 volts and more.
  • Therefore, its electric shocks may be fatal in most cases.
  • And therefore it is considered one of the predators widely spread in the South American continent.

The environment in which the sea snake lives

  • The original and optimal habitat for the electric water eel is the northern region of the South American continent, specifically in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers.
  • Where they are muddy rivers, and there are snakes that occur electrical discharge.
  • It is one of the types of fish as it belongs to the carp and slues family.
  • About five hundred species.
  • However, the most famous and most capable of discharging electricity are these tremors that paralyze their prey and prevent it from moving by causing muscle spasms.
  • These snakes use electrical discharge to hunt prey.
  • Communicate with each other, and protect themselves, and defend their survival.
What is a sea snake

How to spot electric eels?

  • The discovery of the electric eel is credited to both scientists (Alexander von Humboldt) and (Aimee Bon plan) when they were exploring forests in the South American continent.
  • This was in the year 1800 AD, where they spent nearly five years in this research.
  • Arrived at Calabozo on the way to the Orinoco River.
  • To discover the swamps full of these snakes.
  • these snakes hit them with electric charges and to a very large degree.
  • Alexander states that his joints lost sensation for two consecutive days due to the impact of these charges, due to his standing on them.
  • He wrote an article eight years later documenting what he saw.
  • what he knew about these snakes and stated that they had decimated many horses because of these electric strikes.
  • This snake has a somewhat strange mechanism in its use of electricity.
  • as it was found that it can control the degree of strength of the electric current that rushes from it.
  • Where he can send a weak electric current if he wants to keep an animal away from him, and also if he wants to kill him, he sends him a strong electric current.
  • But if he only wants to determine the location of the enemy animal in relation to him, then he sends it a weak electric current, to return to it.

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